Thursday, October 4, 2007

She likes the dog!!!!

It has been so exciting to watch Annabel grow and learn to trust us this week. It has been such an incredible week and a fantastic two days. First of all she is in her Port-a-crib for the 4th time. Each time we have been able to get her to sleep in it for about an hour. She has still been in bed with me each night(we finally gave in two nights ago), but it is a start. I believe tonight might be the night she spends the entire night in the crib (or at least a good part of it) only because she is very tired tonight and is already asleep. It is only 8:39pm. Praise God!! That sure beats 4am. She has had her first car seat experience this week. She LOVES her car seat because she enjoys looking out while we are driving. Everything is so new to her. She also did great at Walmart in the shopping cart for the first time. As you can see from the pictures one of her greatest accomplishments is that she is finally NOT terrified of the dog. In fact she follows him around everywhere. It is just too cute. We have to stop her over and over from trying to kiss the dog as you can see in the picture. She just puckers up and is ready for kisses. Of course the dog thinks it is great. So she has heard the word "no" a lot today. This morning she attended her first Sales Director meeting away from home and welcomed a few more of my friends to the house. She is definitely proving herself to be a child who can handle change with stride and can very easily adjust to just about any situation.


clint webb said...

Mark - Tamara we enjoy your
sharing with us your family
updates - they are great. Clint

Janese said...

That is too cute! I'm glad you guys are back! It has been so long since we've seen you guys!
I have really enjoyed following your trip to china. Every night I would check your blog and I think it seriously was the only thing that kept me sane at times.
I miss you and I hope to see you Sunday. :)