Monday, June 30, 2008

June Update

It's been far too long since I last updated, so I will try to catch you all up on the ever growing and fast changing Annabel. She just celebrated her 2nd birthday and we had a cute little party for her with some of her friends. She wore the Snow White outfit that Amber wore on her first birthday 14 years ago. Wow!!! That made me feel old. She is fast learning how to be in control of the dog and is not afraid to drag him around everywhere with her. He doesn't seem to mind. She loves Mexican food and just today experienced her first freeze pop. I will add that when Joey brought her in the house she seemed to have more melted freeze pop on her then in her. haha Wherever the older kids are Annabel is not far behind. She adores them. I have to add that they are amazing with her as well. She is becoming a pro on the trampoline. She is actually jumping now which is so funny to watch. We have had her photos taken professionally twice now and she really gets into it as you can see from the photos. She is a huge ham infront of the camera. Her lip is healing up nicely and she is just amazing. She is beginning to say Jacob in preparation for meeting him and hugs and kisses his photos all the time. I can't wait to see the two of them together soon. Praise God for matching us with Annabel who is by far the perfect fit for our family.