Well have you ever watched the movie Ratatouille? Today was our first time watching it and I have to say Annabel really made me laugh. Our little friend, Kendra came over to play so I put the movie in to help entertain them. Annabel doesn't really like TV but I thought she might like the rats. Well the funniest thing happened. As soon as the rat started pulling on the boys hair to operate his arms, Annabel went nuts. She started squeeling at the top of her lungs and pulling her hair. Not hard enough to hurt, just enough to get her hands around what little hair she has. She then started hitting her self on her head. Kind of like you would if you thought there was a rat on top of it. It was probably one of the funniest things I have seen since she has been home. The only thing I can imagine is that she thought there really was a rat on her head. Eventually, she figured out it was just on TV and settled down and just laughed hysterically. You will notice that I also included a picture of Amber in uniform the night of her Pass in Review for ROTC. She refused to get in the picture with the boys but thanks to Chief Peterson (I bet you like the sound of that don't you Pete?) she finally smiled. I thought it was going to take a bulldozer to push her closer to David in the photo. Teenagers are so funny. It cracks me up because we have known Curtis (on the left in uniform) since he was 2 years old. That is my friend Tammie's son. Now they are in uniforms and towering over their parents. I can't believe how fast they grow up. The funny thing is that the high school TV station was there video taping. We were in the front row so if you get a chance to watch it on TV you will probably see me moving around aimlessly trying to get Annabel to sit still during the silent review. It was quite funny. She did really great though. The best though was when the drill team came out with their weapons and my friend Laura's 4 year old son told everyone not to talk or else they would shoot us. Kids say the funniest things. Annabel is doing great though. She had her first encounter with other children this week at preschool story time. She had a blast and I look forward to taking her back next time. As you can see, Annabel and Mark both operate on the same wavelength....go go go, then crash, crash, crash. I couldn't resist that picture. They both look like they are resting so peacefully.
Hello friends and Family, Welcome to Annabel's blog site. We will update it from time to time with new photos and milestones in her life. She is a blessing from God to our family and we are excited to share her life with you here.
Our family
When Love Takes You In by Steven Curtis Chapman
You can scroll down to the bottom and push the stop button on the music so you can hear the video.