Friday, May 16, 2008

Pray for our World

My heart aches for the Chinese and Myanmar people and all the families hurting right now. Please pray that they feel Gods presence. There are now thousands of new orphaned children and thousands of parents who have lost what could possibly be their only child. Especially when it comes to Chine due to their one child policy. I cannot even imagine in my wildest dreams the emotional pain they are experiencing. Many have emailed to ask me about Jacob. We don't know exactly where Jacob lives because he lives with a foster family during nights and weekends, but we are guessing he is about 500 miles from the epicenter of the Chinese earthquake. I heard from our adoption agency that he is safe. I dont have any other details. I know he would have been at preschool when the earthquake struck and I know it registered as a 3.0 in his area according to another American family traveling at the time in his province. When I heard about the earthquake my heart sunk. My heart broke at the thought of never being able to hold my son. I am so grateful he is safe. I am so sad for all those who were not so fortunate. Below is a video of the aftermath in China that I ran across on U-Tube. I wish I could give credit to whoever made it. It is accompanied by a beautiful Chinese song and I am sure a lot of work and tears went into making it. It is very sad to watch but since I am keeping this blog as a documentation for Annabel and this is about her homeland, I felt it necessary to include for her to view one day when she is old enough to understand. Even though Annabel is now a US citizen I don't ever want her to lose touch with her heritage and Country. I pray she grows up feeling proud of who she is. And that includes where she came from. I want her to always remember God has a plan for her life and part of His plan was for her to begin her life in China.
You can scroll down to the bottom and hit the stop button on the music so you can hear the video.

Healing Hearts Video

Scroll down to the bottom and push the stop button on the music so you can hear the video.