Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Tonight was a great night for the kids. Amber and Joey both went trick or treating with their friends, even though they both claimed they were too old to put on a costume. haha I was impressed as they both put their costumes together at the last minute from what they had in Ambers closet. They had a great time with that. Annabel's costume on the other hand was purchased months ago from a garage sale. It's a small adoption world we live in. I was in Vancouver about 5 months ago and happened to stumble upon a garage sale. I saw the most adorable lady bug costume and had to have it. It was only $3. Who can pass that up???? As it turned out the women originally bought it for her brother who adopted two little girls from China. So she was thrilled to hear it would be worn by another China baby. And she looked adorable in it as you can see. Annabel and I went to three of my neighbors homes so she could see what trick or treating was all about. But I think she definitely preferred staying home and greeting the guests. The hardest part of the night was keeping Annabel from kissing the glass door. Why do kids love to do that?? YUCK!!! The kids came home on time with a ton of candy as usual and headed off to bed. All in all it was a great night for everyone.