Saturday, September 22, 2007

Marks big night out

Well last night was to be our last outing in Nanjing. Our guide Larry was taking us to Confucius's temple and a couple of other big main attractions in Nanjing. At the last minute I decided to stay at the hotel with Annabel because I wanted her in bed by 8pm and I knew they wouldn't be back by then. So Mark, Larry, Martin and Robin went out. Well that's the last time I stay at home. You know what Mark did while I was at home bathing the baby? He got married. No he really did get married. I have pics to prove it. haha No actually he volunteered for a skit they were putting on at Confucius's' temple. He literally was the groom in the wedding. The host kept saying things and everyone would laugh. I asked our guide today what they were saying. He said the host was making fun of him. I knew he probably was. Anyways, it was funny and they gave Mark a cute souvenir for it. So be sure to tease him about having two wives. haha Mark reassured me it wasn't legal and that I don't have to worry about her moving in with us. While mark was out painting the town red , Annabel and I watched Madagascar. She was hilarious. She talked to the TV the entire time, I don't know if she was speaking Chinese or baby babble, but she kept breaking out into hysterical laughter. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. She is such a joy and we praise God daily that He put her in our family.

We arrived in Guangzhou

Hello all, Well today was our last flight within Country to finish up our adoption process. We made it safely to Guangzhou. It was sad saying goodbye to our guide Larry because he was such a great guy and he really cared about our children while we were in his care. We gave him our info for the next time he is in Seattle. While it was hard to say goodbye to Nanjing, Annabels homeland, it was wonderful to get off of the plane and see all the other families who had gone to different provinces reunited together again holding their babies. I also felt very blessed and grateful for the wonderful experience that we had with Annabel in our first 5 days because some of the families didn't have that smoothly of a transition time. Some of the babies are experiencing bonding issues and may only go to one parent and a few of the babies have been pretty sick too. I really feel grateful that Mark and I and Robin and Martin had such a positive experience while in Nanjing. When we first got Annabel she would not let go of the furniture and was still a little unsteady on her feet. Last night she was walking all over the place trying to catch up with the other kids. She had a few tumbles, but that didn't stop her. She has really built a lot of strength in her legs over the last 5 days. She did great on the plane. Slept the entire flight expect for landing. She screamed so hard because of the pressure. We couldnt get her to drink so her ears were really bothering her. Once we landed she was fine and happy again. We have a McDonalds next to our hotel. That was the best hamburger I have ever had. haha I was craving something other then rice and Chinese food. Please don't invite me out to Chinese food for a long time. haha After getting settled into our room we had to take a nap. That was at 5:30. I just woke up and it is 10:30 At night. Annabel is still sleeping. I dont know what tonight will look like for her since she went to bed so early. I hope she sleeps at least another 4 hours. Mark and I have been up by 4 am every morning because of the time change. We are getting pleanty of sleep though because we have gone to bed pretty early and taken a couple of naps when Annabel naps. Well I am going to end this post and post some pics of Marks experience last night. He was the groom in a Chinese wedding. yes you heard me right. You will have to check out the pics. God Bless, and thank you for all the emails. I really enjoy hearing from all of you. I really miss home and my kids and my soft bed. haha Tamara