Monday, May 5, 2008

A day to Celebrate

Today was definetely a day to celebrate. Our I-171H form came in!!!! For those of you in the adoption world you know how important of a day this is for us. For those who have no idea what that means it is the last piece of paper we were waiting for from Immigration in order to send in our Dossier to China for Jacobs adoption. We were so thrilled. A few other things happened today as well that made for an exciting day. First of all we got up at oh-dark thirty (military term) to head to Children's hospital to have Annabels stitches removed. That was a wonderful experience if you enjoy watching your child be wrapped up in a blanket, held down by four people and have her stitches removed. All the while crying her little heart out. They did an amazing job though. They love kids so much and it is so obvious in how they treat them. I love that hospital. Then to top that off we decided to stop at Arby's for lunch. Since Annabel needs all soft foods right now we knew we couldnt go through drive through and give her fries to snack on. We had to go in. Every woman in there looked at us as though we had beaten the tar out of this little girl. I finally put her sunglasses on her just to help cover up her black eye from surgery. It was quite funny. We just kindof chuckled inside. There was one time I told two older ladies she had surgery because they wouldn't stop staring at us and they were right next to us. I thought it would make our meal a bit easier if they didn't think we abused her. haha All in all she is doing wonderful. Her lip looks beautiful. She had a fall in the bathtub yesterday and the inside of her lip bled and bled. But the doctor said it was fine. So it looks like we are surgery free for Annabel for several years. Praise God. Thanks for your prayers.