Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Adoption picnic

We recently had a get together with several other families in our State who have adopted from China. Some are just starting the process and as you can see many of them already have their precious children. It was amazing hearing how God placed each child in just the right home. His plans are so much bigger then we can imagine. As long as we just trust in Him and follow his guidance we are in store for things greater then our understanding. This picnic made me want to go and get my daughter even so much more. I cannot wait to see how she adjusts to us and us to her. I know it will be such a tremendous blessing for our family.

Monday, August 20, 2007

We have our RA

Today was such an awesome day!!!! We were driving home from Mark's dads house when my cell phone rang. It was our adoption agency letting us know that we received our Referral Acceptance. They originally told us it would take 2-4 months to get that back and ours came in 40 days. That is a biblical number you know!!!! God's timing is always fantastic. So now we are on cloud nine and ready to jump through hoops to get packed and get the nursery done. As of now it is still a storage room for all the junk we have some how accumulated over the past 16 years. Can you say garage sale???? So I can finally post a picture of our little blessing.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another weekend in the great outdoors

Another weekend in the great outdoors. We had such a great time camping again. Not only did we hike, BBQ, sleep, run down a mountain from man eating bears...but we also had the opportunity to test our endurance on the obstacle course. This is usually only opened to the military and special groups but it happened to be open that day to campers as well. My favorite was the incredibly crazy swing that plumets you from higher then I have every swung before. As you can see our puppy is exhausted. We walked him silly this trip. We had a fabulous time..but it is always nice to come home.