Saturday, January 5, 2008

Home for 24 hours

Well we have been home from the hospital for 24 hours. We thought we were going to have to go back today as Annabel has been fighting with fevers off and on today. So we have been monitoring her very closely and forcing a lot of liquids. We tried to take her off of the codine and use only tylenol but we had to go back to it after 4 hours as she was still in too much pain. This has been more much uncomfortable for her then I thought it would be. Poor baby. I am so grateful for medication to ease the pain. She has spent most of the day on my lap asleep. I am loving the cuddle time but I wish it wasn't because she felt bad. She seems to be doing better tonight. We will just have to pray she gets a good night sleep. One day at a time. She will get better. Thank you for your continued prayers.